A film screening of The First Four. Inspired By True Events will take place at the Newberry Library in Chicago,IL. on March 9, 2024 at 6PM CST.

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA- December 15, 2023 – FNBN (For Nurses By Nurses Productions, LLC), a grassroots media platform designed to raise the consciousness of contributions of nursing and medicine in health equity announced the premiere screening date for its' upcoming film, THE FIRST FOUR. INSPIRED BY TRUE EVENTS. FNBN will spotlight the first four African American nurses to graduate from the legendary Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses in 1892.
The screening will take place at the Newberry Library located at 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, IL., the home of the story. Following the screening there will be a panel discussion with the cast and crew. Additionally, those who were paramount in the making of the film will be in attendance as well.
FNBN has been working tirelessly to unearth lost stories in nursing, medicine, and public health to increase historical representation, bridge the gap in educational inequities and empower the next generation culturally.
The film was produced and written by Denetra Hampton. This is her fifth film and her second time partnering with the Director of Photography, Nick Vakhouski. Described as a whimsical historical piece of culture, the film pulls from a distinguished piece of Chicagoan architecture, Quinn Chapel. The chapel which was envisioned in 1844 and is a particular piece of Provident Hospital history, was physically erected in 1891 on Wabash Ave in Chicago IL., where it is currently under restoration. Today, one of its' original pews is in the Smithsonian Institute.
"This film opens up a candid conversation about four women who we know little about. It has been a joy to create a project that will open up an even more robust exploration of the contributions of nurses." said producer of film, Denetra Hampton.
About For Nurses By Nurses Productions
For Nurses By Nurses Productions was founded in 2018. Its' media mission and vision is health equity through three distinct narratives of short films, documentaries and lecture and three distinct arenas of museums, libraries and academic institutions.
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